Exhaust gas cleaning

IMO established tough marine SOx regulations aimed at reducing air pollution related to fuel sulphur content, including a 2020 global sulphur cap. Fortunately, you can meet IMO SOx limits without switching to more expensive low-sulphur fuel, by installing Alfa Laval PureSOx. Alfa Laval is the leader in marine scrubbers for wet exhaust gas cleaning, which ensures compliance while using HFO. Alfa Laval PureSOx has been at sea since 2009, and every system is in compliance today.

Exhaust gas cleaning

Alfa Laval PureSOx continues to lead the way

  • Years of operating experience at sea
  • Removal of more than 98% of exhaust gas SOx
  • Up to 80% reduction of particulate matter (PM)
  • Proven performance – every system installed is operating and in compliance
  • Many returning customers
Alfa Laval has more than a century of marine experience and over 50 years specifically with marine scrubber technologies. A combination of tried and tested equipment, hassle-free installation, proven results, specialist project management and global service help you stay ahead – today, in 2020 and beyond.

Why turn to Alfa Laval for exhaust gas cleaning?

Alfa Laval PureSOx in action

Curious to see how a retrofit of a scrubber takes place? Watch our film of the retrofit on board the M/V Valentine to see how it's done. 

Alfa Laval PureSOx in action


Curious to see how a retrofit of a scrubber takes place? Watch our film of the retrofit on board the M/V Valentine to see how it's done. 

For almost 15 years, Alfa Laval has helped shipowners meet SOx regulations and water discharge limits – even as the rules grow more stringent. Because we strive for future-proof solutions, we have always offered closed-loop and hybrid scrubber options in addition to open-loop scrubber systems.

We continue to improve our solutions, adding innovative features and new scrubber services. Together with our deep knowledge support, these ensure easy compliance with the latest exhaust gas cleaning regulations.


Hvorfor velge Alfa Laval til rengjøring av avgasser?

Blog – insights from our regulatory expert

Regulatory Affairs Specialist Kate Schrøder Jensen is an emissions regulation expert and Alfa Laval’s liaison with MARPOL. Her insights inform our own work, but she also shares them on her blog: The Emissions Compliance Corner. Kate’s posts cut through the confusion, explaining the latest regulatory developments connected to SOx, CO2, particulate emissions, water discharge and more.

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Taking exhaust gas cleaning into the future

As fuels and emissions change, so will exhaust gas cleaning. What is mainly associated with scrubbers and SOx today will soon involve more technologies and targets, including CO2.

Alfa Laval is investing heavily in exhaust gas cleaning R&D, for example at the Alfa Laval Test & Training Centre. But we are also working with others. One such effort is project ReMarCCAbLE, where we are a technology partner in the world-first initiative to demonstrate onboard carbon capture (OCC) at scale.

Read more about Project ReMarCCAbLE.

SOx compliance options

Today's HFO has a sulphur content well above the limits established by MARPOL Annex VI. Realistically, shipowners have three options, each with different implications.

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Three ways to comply

Install a SOx scrubber

+ Allows continued use of economical HFO
- Payback time depends on fuel price delta (HFO vs low-sulphur)

Use low-sulphur fuel

+ Low investment cost
- Higher long-term costs than using HFO with a scrubber
- Uncertain fuel price and availability

Switch to LNG

+ Always in SOx compliance
- High investment cost
- Complicated retrofitting
- Limited infrastructure and uncertain fuel price

Return on scrubber investment

Investing in a scrubber system like PureSOx provides a cost advantage over shipowners who choose low-sulphur fuels to comply with MARPOL Annex VI. The difference in fuel price determines payback time and, subsequently, profit.

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The PureSOx difference

SOx scrubbers provide an opportunity for long lasting fuel cost savings. No scrubber system lets you make more of that opportunity than PureSOx from Alfa Laval.



Satisfied customers in SOx compliance

Alfa Laval PureSOx has been at sea since 2009, providing reliable compliance with SOx emission limits. Over 250 PureSOx systems have been installed to date, and every one of them is in compliant operation today. Among the satisfied PureSOx customers are many who have returned to Alfa Laval for additional PureSOx systems.

Webinar - Carbon capture at sea

In a Marine Talks webinar on 12 January 2023, Alfa Laval’s Jeroen Rosengarten and Stena Bulk’s Vishnu Prakash took a sharp look at the challenges of carbon capture at sea. Watch to learn about the many questions on board and in the ecosystem required to make carbon capture viable. In addition, you’ll hear about steps that Alfa Laval is taking to answer them.

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Alfa Laval Test & Training Centre

Innovation in exhaust gas cleaning and wider emissions reduction is well underway at the Alfa Laval Test & Training Centre. With its 2800 m2 of testing space, this unique R&D facility is providing deeper insights into scrubber operation, new fuels and more. The efforts will secure tomorrow’s compliance and help the marine industry meet its decarbonization targets.

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Exhaust gas cleaning news

Read about ongoing developments in exhaust gas cleaning and get the latest updates from Alfa Laval projects.


Contact us

Snakk med oss om PureSOx og SOx-kompatibilitet


Alfa Laval Nijmegen BV
Kerkenbos 1016
6546 BA Nijmegen

Telefon: +31 24 352 31 00
E-post: puresox@alfalaval.com
Døgnåpen serviceavdeling: +46 4636 7700
Service-e-post: marine.service@alfalaval.com

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